About Us

About Us

Valueicons mission is to empower businesses to make better business and technology decisions by better peer to peer learning. We provide views of industry experts on business and technologies. We identify the most innovative as well as the most promising companies and startups in the industry and showcase their technology or services expertise in the special editions that we publish.
Valueicons magazine is also distributed at various industry events throughout the year. Valueicons is the leading resource for corporate buyers, business managers, and specialists across multiple industries working in similar domains, thanks to our large readership, unique content model, solid reputation, and in-depth coverage of innovative specialized business issues on a global scale.
Valueicons magazine offers the platform to share, discuss, learn and provide thought leadership to the enterprise sourcing decision-making community. This unique and acknowledged learn-from-peer industry professionals approach serves the decision makers to share, identify, adopt and learn from their valuable and distilled experiences.

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